27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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Can climate fiction save the planet?

Between past and future: literature and sustainability in dialogue

12:20 - 13:05 Uhr Do. 27. März
Veranstalter: Forum Offene Gesellschaft


A conversation with Daryll Delgado and Ann-Sophie Henne on environment, society, and change.


How does climate change affect our global coexistence? What role does literature play in addressing environmental crises? Filipino author Daryll Delgado and climate journalist Ann-Sophie Henne come together for a conversation on sustainability, social change, and the power of storytelling.
Daryll Delgado's novel „Remnants“ intertwines the effects of natural disasters with individual fates, illustrating how environmental destruction leaves deep scars on societies. Her literary perspective makes tangible what often seems abstract: the human consequences of climate change. Ann-Sophie Henne contributes her expertise as a climate journalist, highlighting how global climate policies and social justice are closely connected.
The Philippines, one of the countries most affected by climate change, is at the heart of this discussion. At the same time, the country will be the Guest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2025—an opportunity to bring the literary voices of this region into the international spotlight.

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Forum offene Gesellschaft  (Halle 2, Stand B500)