27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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„There is no such thing as climate change“: when fake news meet reality

14:15 - 15:00 Uhr So. 30. März
Veranstalter: Forum Offene Gesellschaft


Scientists and authors in exile discuss who benefits from denying climate change and why


„Those who won't hear, must feel”. Scientists and activists have been warning about climate change and its serious consequences for a long time. Thanks to them, a lot has changed in the meantime. Nevertheless, there is a renewed tendency among authoritariangovernments and parties to deny man-made climate change, conceal facts and analyses and propagate a radical “business as usual” approach. What is their objective? Climate and environmental activists are persecuted and imprisoned in many countries. However,no country in the world remains unaffected by climate change: Ist consequences will continue to have an impact long after these governments are gone. Fellows of the Writers-in-Exile Program of the PEN-Centre Germany report on the consequences of environmentaldestruction and climate change in their homelands and engage in conversation with scientists.

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Forum offene Gesellschaft  (Halle 2, Stand B500)