27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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How to Translate Philippine Literature

13:30 - 14:00 Uhr So. 30. März
Veranstalter: National Book Development Board Philippines


Book talk with Monica Fröhlich and Annette Hug


Literary translation is an art. People come into it from different backgrounds and places: By living as a professor of German in the Philippines and plunging into a book-length translation project. Or by writing German literature, having studied in the Philippines, branching out into translation. Challenges and joys of building bridges between Filipino English, Tagalog and German. (presentation with reading of excerpts)

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Altersbegrenzung: ab 18 Jahren

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Globale Perspektiven  (Halle 4, Stand E305)


Leipziger Buchmesse
Die Philippinen setzen mit ihrer erstmaligen Teilnahme an der Leipziger Buchmesse ein literarisches Statement mit 7 renommierten Autor:innen, 3 Übersetzer:innen...