27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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Filipino Graphic Novels Travel the World

14:00 - 14:30 Uhr Do. 27. März
Veranstalter: National Book Development Board Philippines


As the Philippines will be the Guest of Honour country at the Frankfurt Buchmesse 2025, the spotlight is on its graphic novels, the top literary genre that’s getting translated around the world.

Get to know what comics and graphic novels and why. Firsthand stories of successful rights sales will be shared by the Festival Director of the Philippine International Comics Festival


Paolo Herras is the Co-Founder of Komiket, a non-profit organisation that advocates for Filipino comics, and the Festival Director of the Philippine International Comics Festival (PICOF). His graphic novel "Strange Natives" was a National Book Award Finalist and is currently translated in German, French, and Italian. Paolo directed the film adaptation of his graphic novel, "Buhay Habangbuhay" (“Life Afterlife”), for the 2nd CineFilipino Film Festival.

Eintritt Bemerkung

Altersbegrenzung: ab 18 Jahren

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Informationen zum Programm


Globale Perspektiven  (Halle 4, Stand E305)


Leipziger Buchmesse
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