27. - 30. März 2025 Leipziger Buchmesse
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The Horrors of Reality

14:00 - 14:30 Uhr Sa. 29. März
Veranstalter: National Book Development Board Philippines


Monsters hiding in the dark are not the scariest parts of Renren Galeno’s work. Rather, it’s the harshness of reality, the horrors of everyday living, which are the true monstrosity in her comics, "Sa Wala" (Für Nichts)


Renren Galeno is a comic author and illustrator from Davao City, Philippines. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman with a degree in Fine Arts and currently works in comics and illustration. She illustrated the 2024 Pulitzer Prize Finalist “Searching for Maura” for the Washington Post. Her first graphic novel, “Sa Wala,” won the 42nd National Book Awards Best Graphic Novel and Comics in English, and currently has seven international editions. Her next work, “Full Of Grace,” is an Official Selection of the 2nd Philippine International Comics Festival, and will be released this year.

Eintritt Bemerkung

age restriction: 18 years old
Altersbegrenzung: ab 18 Jahren

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Phantastische Leseinsel 2  (Halle 3, Stand B401)


Leipziger Buchmesse
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