The Leipzig Book Fair Media center

Opening hours accreditation
Wednesday, 26.03.2025: 10.00 - 15.00
Thursday, 27.03.2025: 09.00 - 17.00
Friday, 28.03.2025: 09.00 - 17.00
Saturday, 29.03.2025: 09.00 - 16.00
Sunday, 30.03.2025: 09.00 - 16.00
Opening hours media library
Thursday, 27.03.2025: 09.00 - 19.00
Friday, 28.03.2025: 09.00 - 19.00
Saturday, 29.03.2025: 09.00 - 19.00
Sunday, 30.03.2025: 09.00 - 17.00
Address and Arrival
Leipzig Exhibition Centre
Messehaus, ground floor
Messe-Allee 1, Leipzig
On our website you can find travel information .
Parking Facilities
Please use the press parking for your visit. You can get there via the Tor Süd 1 (South Gate 1) entrance (51°23'39''N / 012°23'52''E). Please have your accreditation or press card ready.
How to get your parking ticket:
- Get accredited for the Leipzig Book Fair and apply for your parking ticket at the same time. You don't have to enter your license plate at this stage.
- You will receive your accreditation and parking ticket by email after successful activation.
- Print out your parking ticket and enter your license plate and telephone number. Your parking ticket is only valid with this data.
- On the day of the fair, drive to the press car park and show your online accreditation and printed (!) parking ticket.
If you do not yet have an accreditation or parking ticket, drive to car park P11 and enter the administration building via reception to obtain the necessary documents.
Note: On the first day of the fair, there is the possibility that the press parking will be full. In this case, we will offer alternative parking. Please plan a bit of extra time for your journey to be on the safe side.
Our Services at a Glance
- Accreditation
- Press material
- Coat check
- Catering
- WIFI: You can get your WIFI voucher at the media centre. This means that you can use WIFI free of charge throughout the entire exhibition grounds.